Sunday, October 15, 2006

Return to Somerset

Okay, we got out there safelyand home, too. Updates galore! My old church has been bought by the hospital next door and is scheduled to be torn down some time July 2007. The new church is being built as we speak. The old church in order to be repaired it would cost over $1,000,000 and there is no room to expand. It's sad it's going down, but the needs of the many out way the needs of the few or the one (thank you Star Trek.) I'm okay with since I got to go. Also, my old house is still there. And, finally, we got to the Flight 93 Memorial, a lady from Texas was playing the bagpipes. It was very sad, especially when she started playing "Amazing Grace". Wow. So without further ado.... PICTURES!!!!!
So there you go. Catch you on the flipside. Next Time: HERE COMES THE FUN!!!!!

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