Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Having Fun Yet?

My little monkey has passed his first doctors appointment. Funny thing is, he got to do a certain (and natural item that he can't control) thing that got all over Mommy while they were weighing him. I know it will happen to me soon enough, but I couldn't help from laughing. Sorry, Mommy. Sorry, Alex.

I went back to work on Thursday the 31st and got a wonderful surprise. Here, the office staff got together and set up a poster, balloons, and a bunch of gifts. I was very thankful to these wonderful people. Then, on Friday, the kitchen staff did the same thing! Such great people! I wasn't expecting all that. The wifey was more overwhelmed.

Finally, we've got to get this little midget on a sleep schedule. Sunday and Monday, Michelle was up til 1:30am because he was awake. Its now11:20pm and it's my duty to get him to sleep. That's gonna be tough. I got to go. He has hiccups now. Catch you on the flipside!

Next Time: "I'm thiiiiis biiiiigg!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwwww, cute pic of you two.