I collect toys. I've done it most my life. Call me what you will, but that's who I am. Before I go any further, let me say this, I would give it all up, in a heartbeat if the wifey said to choose between her and Alex. I won't put them ahead of my wife and kid. That would be a sign of immaturity. I may not act my age, but I know what's important in life. With that said, here we go!
I have say my toy collecting started with the Star Wars line. I have some of the original 1977 to 1983 run, but most of it is the 1995 to present line. My pride of that collection is the my favorite vehicle from the movie saga is the many versions of the All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT). I'd love to have one just to go to work each day. Bad thing is I'd probably trip somewhere along the way.
The Transformers that I got range from 1984 to present, including some from the new cartoon on Cartoon Network. I keep most in two drawers and the ones on display are my favorite.
I know G.I. Joe has been out since the sixties, but in my book the 3 3/4 inch line has been the best til about 1988. Now about two years ago, Hasbro has started remaking these figures and I couldn't be more happy.
About 1989, the Mega Force line was introduced. The Triax fought the V-Roc with futuristic base vehicles with features like missile launchers and swinging arms. They had miniature tanks, helicopters, jets and V-Tol jets made from die-cast metal (it's a dying art).

I got a bunch of DC Comics figures from 1985 to present day. Of course, my collection isn't complete without the greatest superhero ever - The Green Lantern.
Spanning over 30 years, the Japanese cartoon inspired Gundam, caught my attention back at the beginning of the decade. Most of these toys were poseable models you built from scratch.
On top of my bookcase is just a bunch of mix matched series of toys I've picked up over the years during my travels. A lot have come from my trips to California. I wouldn't be much of a videogame geek without Mario, Luigi and some Pokemon. Funny that they're next to Gumby and Pokey, the greatest Claymation stars ever.
When it comes down to it, I guess my toy collecting comes from my dad. He has over 300 toy tractors.
Why do I collect toys? I got a few reasons. First, sentimental. I couldn't get these when I was a boy and now that I'm older and (not lately, anyway) I can afford them. Second, my father tells me when he leaves this world his tractors are going to my son. I feel the same way. When I go, they'll go to either him, or his son.
My collection is impressive by my standards, but over the years I've learned one thing.. There's always a bigger fish. In other words, someone out there has more than me. And I'm perfectly fine with that. Catch you on the flipside!
Next Time: Alex Surprises His Old Man
Great collection and displays! Most of my toys are in boxes in the closet to save space.
Alex Surprises His Old Man (Musings)?
Wow! What a remarkable collection you got here! Thank you for sharing this post and continue gathering every piece of remote controlled car! It is in fact a great passion! :)
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