Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Burnt Knight

I love comics. I've read and collected them since 1986. Things, of course, change over the years, but, comics, they don't. I am addicted. In the summer of '94, my friend Gabe (see on Mondays or at drew a comic. Due to legal issues I cannot show this comic, but if you beg Gabe, he might be nice and show you. I can though talk about a story element that happens in this comic. This 'event' set the basis for me to launch my comic. And that, I can talk about. Meet Toast - The Burnt KnightIn Gabe's comic, a giant is doing cannonballs off of Big Ben and into the River Thames in London. Well, I took that part and ran with it. I mean, what would be the repercussions of this, scary but silly act? Enter the foreign exchange scientist from America working with a new form of napalm and an experimental flame resistant asbestos/Kevlar cloth in London. What are the chances of something going wrong? In the resulting accident cause by the a aforementioned giant, this unnamed scientist is left with flaming hair and the ability to throw flames and fly. Taking the asbestos/Kevlar and making a costume for himself, he returns back to the U.S. and to fight whatever evil may pop up. So Toast was born that fall of '94. It would take until 1997 for me to finish my comic. I wanted to do sequels and colorize it (original is in glorious black and white) but life happens fast as the insurance company says. I'm debating to post a couple of issues at a time here on the blog, but I don't know... We'll see.

Catch you on the flipside!

Next Time: A question for you: should I post some Toast?

PS: I really got to start tagging my posts...


Anonymous said...

By all means, post away.

Unknown said...

Neat comic idea. If it's something you would consider continuing, perhaps you could draw up the comics and put them up on a special Toast - The Burnt Knight site. I always think that would be neat to do, if you can keep up with creating new comics all the time. (Burnt Knight dot com isn't taken yet.)

Lamar The Revenger said...

okay, you've convinced me. I got to work on my mom's project first. more on that next time.